The title of this blog post was actually one of the titles I offered the folks at Redefinition Records for this new 7" scratch record. Thankfully, they reigned me in and suggested something a little more straight ahead: "Breaks For Hire".
Portable scratching, or skratching, is sweeping the nation, and fools can scratch any damn where they please. The pool, the tub, the club, the better watch out for some scratch nerd at a beach near you this summer, working on their tears, cuz it's probably gonna happen.
I wanted to make a record that has everything you could need for this portable setup: phrases, sounds, drums, synth notes, and battle/routine lines. This record is unique in that I layed the entire kit over a 70 BPM instrumental, so if you let it play, it remains on beat the entire time. Oh yeah, it's also in the key of C-minor.
Add in some skipless tracks, and an entire side of K-Def drum breaks on the flip (WHAT?!), and you have "Breaks For Hire".